วันศุกร์ที่ 2 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2555

Sports and Water

When making ready your body for sports or rehearsal never underestimate the power of water. Water is hands down the most prominent ingredient if you want to have a salutary body. Water helps your body converyance nutrients and get rid of waste. Water provides valuable lubrication in your joints and tissues. Water helps you discharge your food and regulate your temperature. So when you play a sport or exercise, water is valuable to your safety, health, and comfort.

The hard part is that determining the right estimate of water consumption is unique for each individual. There is no recipe that will tell you how much water you should drink before, during, and after an activity. The estimate you should drink when playing a sport or exercising depends on how long you are going to be active, how much you sweat, and other personel differences in your body. But no matter who you are, there are a join of ways to make sure you are getting sufficient water when you are being active:

Water Sports

1. Pay attention to your urine. If your urine is a light color that means that you are probably drinking sufficient water. Dark urine is a good indicator that you should be drinking more water.

Sports and Water

2. Step on a scale before and after being active. If after you exercise, the scale says you have lost weight, that weight was most likely water. Did you gain weight after exercising? This may mean you are drinking too much.

No matter what, when you are planning on exercising or playing sports, make sure to drink fullness of water before you become active, make sure to stay hydrated while activity, and remember to replenish your body's water supply when you are done. And always pay attention to what your body is telling you.

Sports and Water


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